1. Yet again you have presented some very interesting facts about India that I was not aware of. I never really thought about wine being produced there. The vineyards look lovely, and people who truly live wine are always seeking new and different venues to experience. I am an infant when it comes to wine matters, but I d enjoy my sweet wines. I enjoyed your pist!

    1. Well, not many people here know about these vineyards. I never they existed a couple of years ago, until I saw a wine bottle that had a local address and I was dumbstruck. I Googled the information first, but I found that there was no blog about this topic, except news articles, so I decided to make the best use of this opportunity and put it up on my blog. 🙂

  2. This is great! I definitely need to check out some of the other vineyards you have mentioned.

    1. Sure. by the way, I do read most of your blogs, but sometimes I don’t get enough time to comment on it or the topics are way too girly. However, I like the way you write so keep it up. 🙂

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